May is coming, and with it, the release of my new novel, Dying in the First Person, which is being released by my fabulous publisher, Transit Lounge. This may send me mad (if I’m not already).
Writing this book has been a long, slow process. It has been written during a period of extraordinary change in my life. I have moved from the coast to the downs, from working with food to working with words. I have lost much, and gained even more.
And now, it is time to celebrate this book, and break champagne over its prow, and set it loose on the world. I thought I’d share with you some of the launch-month events I’ll be part of:
- 28 April, 10am: I’ll be talking to Belinda Sanders on ABC Southern Queensland.
- 6 May, 6pm for 6:30pm: We’ll be having an official launch at an independent book shop that’s close to my heart, Avid Reader. Kris Olsson will do the honours. There’ll be wine and nibbles, and stories and paper boats, and readings by Maria Arena and Kathy George. You can book your free tickets online here.
- 17 May, 6:30pm: Riverbend Books, another marvellous independent book store, whose owner, Suzy Wilson, founded the incredibly important Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF). “The ILF aims to raise literacy levels and improve the lives and opportunities of Indigenous children living in remote and isolated regions. This is done through the delivery of books and literacy resources, publishing and visits out to remote communities.” You can book tickets online here. [This event has been cancelled! Sorry!]
- 27 May, 5:30pm: The Book Tree will be hosting a little ‘meet the author’/launch event at their beautiful bookshop in Ruthven Street, Toowoomba. Come along and meet the owners of your local independent bookshop (Ann and Brian Hewitt), listen to me read and/or natter about the book, ask me questions, get me to sign a copy of the book for you or your best beloved, have a glass of wine and a few nibbles. $5
- 11 June, 6:00pm: Homegrown Cafe, Palmwoods. I’ll be in conversation with Sarah Kanake (about her book Sing Fox to Me) and Helen McKenna (Room 46) over a glass of wine and a few nibbles. Stay for a bite of supper from homegrown! Free, but free RSVP!
- 23 July, 12:00 noon: Interview and book signing at USQ Bookcase. USQ Campus, Toowoomba. Tickets are $5.00 for the whole day of writing events, including workshops, interviews, information sessions, etc.
I’ll add more as it comes along! I would love to see you at any of these events, and/or hear your thoughts about the new book. A book is not a book until it finds its readers.
[The title of this post is stolen from one a book by one of my favourite authors: Sarah Canary by Karen Joy Fowler. In the book the complete quotation reads: “Lots of people go mad in January. Not as many as in May, of course. Nor June. But January is your third most common month for madness.”]
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