Galactic Chat
I talk to the divine Ms Alex over at galactic Chat about lots of things: Rupetta, feminism, Wiscon and the Tiptree Award.
I talk to the divine Ms Alex over at galactic Chat about lots of things: Rupetta, feminism, Wiscon and the Tiptree Award.
This is the abstract for a paper I’m hoping to deliver at the 2014 AAWP conference, Minding the Gap: Writing Across Thresholds and Fault Lines. The conference will take place in Wellington, New Zealand, 30 November — Throughout literary history, a number of women writers have taken on male noms … Continue reading →
So, it’s about time I revisited this site, updated its look and started, like, actually posting stuff here. I mean, new stuff. So, this week, this site will be UNDER CONSTRUCTION while I work on that. Gotany suggestions? I’d love to hear from you.