Perilous Adventures
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Olvar Wood Writers Retreat


Not A Thing You Said Remains

A E Macleod

You said pull every leaf from the tree and I did
You said stand there in the meadow with the sun turning the wheat that colour
of your skin and I did. With the blue sky everywhere behind me,
you said kneel down on that dirt,
rub your face in it and I did,
so that inside my mouth was splitting and dirt buried itself
down inside the crevices between my teeth and I could hear the eruptions.
And you said “say something”
and I did.
I said “I am ready”
And the bluest blue fell and you fired,
but I was already the milky wheat, was the sky,
was already the dirt.


About the Author

A.E.Macleod is a writer who recently read this gem in Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov: "Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things."


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