The openbare bibliotheek stands on the fresh earth of the Oosterdokskade. As the local people say: God created the earth, but the Dutch created the Netherlands. The Oosterdokskade is an example of the created land of the Netherlands: before the buildings that are spread out along it were built, the … Continue reading →
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On Travel
Author : nike
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De Nationale Voorleesdagen , Dick Bruna , Emma Crebolder , Erik Lindner , Fiep Westendorp , Herman Brood , Het Muizenhuis , Jana Beranova , Jip en Janneke , Jo Coenen , Karin Schaapman , Luuk Gruwez , M G Schmidt , Miffy , Milja Praagman , Nintjes , Nog 100 nachtjes slapen , Oosterdokskade , Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam , Peter Swanborn