
Now Showing/Coming Soon

by nike, June 7, 2019

Here’s a little list of things I’ve been working on of late … I’d love to hear all about your recent successes, or works in progress, too 🙂

Poems (out now):

Scholarly stuff (out now):

‘The violent pacifist: Ethics and disorder in Sarah Waters’ The Paying Guests(co-authored with the amazing Jessica Gildersleeve) English: Journal of the English Association, Volume 68, Issue 260, Spring 2019.

Queer Science Fictions (ed): a special issue of the peer-reviewed scholarly journal, Writing from Below. This super-great open-access journal issue includes an interview with Ellen Klages, and my article on James Tiptree Junior (His Unspoken Natural Centre’: James Tiptree, Jr as the Other I). The issue also includes an article exploring some of the intertextual connections in Rupetta by Daniel Hourigan and a great piece by Tara East on queer time travel stories (including one of my all-time favourites, Nino Cipri’s ‘The Shape of My Name’)

Winter's Tale (sneak peak)
A sneak peak of Winter’s Tale (illustrated by Shauna O’Meara, forthcoming from Twelfth Planet Press in 2019).

Writing and Researching (in) the regions (ed, with Lynda Hawryluk & Moya Costello): a special issue of the peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal TEXT: Journal of Writing & Writing Courses.

Coming soon:

  • Winter’s Tale (children’s novel, illustrated by Shauna O’Meara) coming soon from Twelfth Planet Press
  • ‘A Song from Bedlam’ (poem) coming soon in Liminality
  • ‘The Frog’s Prince; or, Iron Henry’ (short story) coming soon in Interzone

Coming … not SO soon:

Seven Darke Sisters an Australian fairy tale about seven sisters grappling to make sense of lives filled with magic. I’m about a month away from completion, and then off it goes …

Image: Jane Moore’s ‘The Seven Ravens’

So, what about you? What successes have you achieved lately? What are you working on? What’s in the pipeline?

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