
thirty-eight (terminus pty ltd)

by nike, December 10, 2014

Maria Arena

This GUEST POST in the 200 words/200 days series is brought to you by the lovely and talented Ms Maria Arena.

I’ve written about Maria’s most recent book, a young adult horror novel, Sisterhood before. After you’ve read this lovely taster of her deep, broad talent, you should visit her online, where you can read more about her work.

Time is the hurdle. There are so many minutes to choose from: three minutes past four in the morning, or ten thirty-seven in the evening, or six minutes after lunch – although they prefer it if you haven’t eaten.

They’re sticklers for sterility.

When would best suit you? is the question they end the interview with, but you haven’t made that decision.

‘You’re s’posed to be prepared,’ Sasha whispers, in the waiting room, after the door closes on their patient expressions. They’ve given you an hour to decide, and the irony of those sixty minutes is enough to make you laugh, except laughing here would be incongruent with the décor.

This is a dignified business.

‘Have you changed your mind?’ Sasha asks, scrutinising you.

There’s a trace of horror in her eyes and you can almost finish her sentence: after all we’ve been through. You don’t begrudge her the thought. She’s right; the planning has been arduous, although it will benefit her in the end.

Touching her cheek, you say, ‘Don’t fret, my sweet,’ and remember the exact minute when you first laid eyes on her. Two-twenty-five on a golden afternoon.

When could be more perfect?

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