
‘Owlbit’ by Maija Lindbergs

by nike, April 30, 2015
Rabbit-Bird illustration from Pliny

Rabbit-Bird illustration from Pliny

I just wanted to share this gorgeous little snippet Maija Lindbergs wrote in class today, when we were messing about with viewpoint and grammatical POV.

Maija is a final-year student of Creative Media, and she’s AWESOME, as you’re about to find out …

POV: Third Person Viewpoint Character: Owlbit

Owlbit was a rabbit by day and an owl by night. His story began with a terrible magician who successfully pulled him out of a hat, but unsuccessfully turned him into a dove. Since the magician had failed, he abandoned the poor rabbit-owl monstrosity and gave up his magic tricks for life. Every time the sun sets, Owlbit does not need to sleep. His owl brain sleeps by day, as his rabbit brain slumbers in the night.

POV: First Person Viewpoint Character: The Magician

My career is over! Finished! Completely destroyed! You’d think that, after a life-time of training, I’d be one of the greatest magicians by now, aged 47. But no, here I stay, at the bottom of all bottoms, with nothing to show for all my hard work but a deck of cards and, thanks to my hocus pocus, a rabbit that transforms into an owl at night.



  • Lovely! I'm not sure about 47 being the end of a lifetime...but I LOVE "the bottom of all bottoms" :-)

      • Replay Cancel Replay
      • April 30, 2015

      That is definitely one of my favourite lines!

  • This is great! Especially this 'Owlbit does not need to sleep. His owl brain sleeps by day, as his rabbit brain slumbers in the night.' Great image :)

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