

by nike, January 12, 2013

I’m working on a long, wordy post about my first couple of weeks in Amsterdam. There has been so much to take in; so much beauty and kindness, and sadness, too.

In the meanwhile, here are some pictures (yes, I finally got the little red camera working!).

Prinsengracht, looking towards the Weserkerk

Prinsengracht, looking towards the Westerkerk


The bloemgracht in morning light

The bloemgracht in morning light

Outside the Rijksmuseum

Outside the Rijksmuseum


One week after Christmas, the tannenbaums fall

One week after Christmas, the tannenbaums fall



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    • January 15, 2013

    Never underestimate the beauty and tale behind a single photo ... These are gorgeous, glad you are enjoying the adventure Neen

    • nike
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    • January 15, 2013

    Hi Neen! Thank you for your kind comments. It is a beautiful city. Today (only a few days after these pictures were taken) the same streets are covered in snow. As pretty as a postcard! Prinsengracht in snow.

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    • January 15, 2013

    Oh how lovely ... you should be taking more photos :-) I'm getting back in to my pure obsession with photos .. it's helping me find my creativity and imagination again :-)

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