
Natura Artis Magistra

by nike, January 28, 2013
Flamingoes in the snow at Amsterdam's Artis Zoo

Flamingoes in the snow at Amsterdam’s Artis Zoo

Inside the apenhuis, home of the

Inside the apenhuis, home of the pygmy marmoset, and friends

Natura Artis Magistra, founded in 1838, is a miniature zoo in the heart of Amsterdam’s Plantage district. It includes an aquarium, butterfly pavilion, planetarium and various other animal exhibits. The zoo is also the site of a range of beautiful old buildings, including Wolf House, which was once The Oak and Linden Inn where guests visiting the zoo could stay, and Masman Garden House.

But, of course, the best thing about Artis is the animals. Check out this adorable (adult) Pygmy Marmoset! Small enough to fit in your pocket at just 15cm tall.


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